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Steve Franklin's Web Site


Ancient History:

Typhon: A Chronology of the Holocene Period
(occasionally updated)

Introduction  The Patriarchs and the Pharaohs
Part I: Alignment of Hebrew, Egyptian, and Assyrian King-lists
Chapter One  Solomon and Shoshenq Chapter Two  Joseph and Thutmosis IV
Chapter Three  Children of Merneptah―Moses, Miriam, and Seti II Chapter Four  Judges of the Pharaoh
Chapter Five  Abraham and the Kingdom of Ugarit Chapter Six  Ham, Shem, and the First Dynasty of Babylon
Chapter Seven  Jewish Kingdoms―Israel and the House of David Chapter Eight  Adam and Atlas―Eden and the Fall of Atlantis
Chapter Nine  Seth and Typhon―The Catastrophic Cosmos

Chapter Ten  Noah and Menes―The Ark at Thebes

Chapter Eleven  Sargon, Naram-Sin, and the Egyptian Seventh Dynasty Chapter Twelve  Tangled Bloodlines
Chapter Thirteen  The Hyksos and the Hebrews Chapter Fourteen  The Phaistos Disc and the Early Kings of Crete
Part II: After the Sack of Rome
Chapter Fifteen  AD 429―The Rise of the Pendragons Chapter Sixteen  Twilight—AD 536
Chapter Seventeen  AD 854—Pope Joan Chapter Eighteen  1066—The  Norman Conquest and the Orbit of Halley's Comet
Chapter Nineteen  1487—Leonardo in the East Chapter Twenty  1593—Marlowe, Samuel Daniel, and Wilton House (partial)
Part III: The Golden Age
Chapter Twenty-One  4375 BC—Orion in India Chapter Twenty-Two  6369 BC—Gemini in Bosnia
Chapter Twenty-Three  7450 BC—The Erdalen Event and the Fertile Sahara (future)  
Appendix A  Alignment of the Sothis of Pseudo-Manetho with Josephus and Manetho Appendix B  Alignment of Diodorus with Eratosthenes, Herodotus, and Manetho
Appendix C  Origins of the Tarot Deck (downloadable pdf files) Appendix D  The Indus Valley Kings, from Surya until Takshac
Appendix E  Comparison of "Shakespeare's" Sonnets (1–18) with Daniel's Delia (33–40) Appendix F  Astronomical Alignment of the T’ai Hsüan Ching (future)
Appendix G  The Ancient Even-Week Year  


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Recent Changes:

+ December 23, 2014: I continue to work on Chapter Twenty. If certain observers are correct and Marlowe's supposed death was meant to mimic that of Hiram Abiff, it would suggest that the year of Marlowe's encounter at Deptford was not simply fortuitous but was planned long in advance by the Freemasons to coincide with the return of Typhon. Which is not to say that the Star Chamber had anything to do with it, though one has to wonder who was ultimately responsible for bringing matters to a head in the year 1593. There are, in my estimation, too many coincidences operating here to be taken at face value.

+ March 20, 2015: I have made minor modifications to the various Indian timelines based on the work of Subhash Kak, a professor of computer science at the University of Oklahoma and a student of Indian chronology and the Vedas. Kak is one of the sources, along with Bal Tilak, for the work of B. G. Sidharth. I must admit that before reading Professor Kak, I was not aware of the degree to which the Aryan Invasion Theory has been undermined in recent years. The West appears to still have a vested interest in convincing the Indians that they made no meaningful contribution to the development of civilization.

I continue to work on the Shakespeare Authorship Problem in Chapter 20. What seems clear, after reading Richard Roe's The Shakespeare Guide to Italy, is that whoever wrote the plays not only visited Italy but spent significant time there traveling about gathering facts and impressions of the country. Unless someone can show that Williamum Shakspere, the investor in the Globe Theater and part-time actor, spent any amount of time outside of England, I have to assume at this point that he did not write the plays, and the field is open for other candidates, including my own current favorite, Samuel Daniel, "the sweetest swan of [the Salisbury] Avon."

+ July 26, 2015: In the process of researching the Shakespeare authorship problem, I have constructed a genealogy of some of the relevant characters. It turns out that many of these folks were either related or worked for someone who was related. Amazingly enough, even Giordano Bruno worked as a spy for Francis Walsingham during his time in England.

+ November 5, 2015: I have begun to incorporate the work of Laurin Johnson (Shining in the Ancient Sea) into chapters nine and fourteen, in regard to the identification of locations in the Odyssey with the lunar asterisms. I have also ordered a copy of Rose Hammond's Islands in the Sky, which promises to extend these identifications. In particular, Johnson sees the two Phalgunîs in the Indian zodiac as the fig tree encountered by Odysseus near the whirlpool. This tends to reinforce my identification of the letter yod, the Greek iota, with the equivalent symbol (ya) on the Phaistos disc. The whirlpool remains to be found.

+ January 17, 2016: I have made a minor modification to the genealogical chart in Chapter Two. It now appears that Nefertiti was the daughter of Ephraim/Ay rather than his half brother Amenhotep III/Manasseh. This means that Tutankhamun represented a merging of the two familial lines, as did Ankhesenpaaten, who eventually married General Seti after the death of Tut, thus founding the 19th dynasty.

+ July 30, 2016: The early part of the table of Egyptian dynasties in Chapter Eleven has been modified to agree with the fact that Typhon murdered Osiris, and thus presumably succeeded him on the throne of Egypt, and the suspicion that the two ruled during the reign of the "Shemsu-Hor" and not during the Predynastic Period. The possibility that Cain of the Hebrew bible was actually King Khayu is reinforced by the fact that Cain is Khayun in Hebrew. It also appears that Plato's Myth of Er refers to the Younger Horus, who ruled circa 3600 BC, whereas the Shemsu-Hor were founded by the Elder Horus, most likely in the fertile Sahara. Osiris, Typhon or Seth, and Horus were all sons of Geb or El, thus making them equivalent to the Elohim of the Hebrew bible. Interestingly enough, Seth, Cain, Lamech, and Noah all appear to have been kings of Upper Egypt, suggesting closer ties, between the Hebrews and Upper Egypt, than with the kings of Lower Egypt. The derivation of the Hebrew line from Menes and his successors would appear to have been through Sarah, Abraham's wife and, according to the current reconstruction, the sister of Thutmosis I.

+ August 29, 2016: I have added what little is known about the Younger Horus to the table of sources of the gospel story (or Greek play, if I am correct) in Chapter Twelve.

+ September 7, 2016: It is becoming clear that Mary Sidney was not only at the center of the creation of the works of "William Shakespeare," but that she was a driving force behind the remaking of the entirety of European thought and society.

+ December 18, 2016: I finally got around to decrypting the dedication to the Sonnets, which is much less obscure than the experts make it out to be, once the ridiculously complex grammar is converted into plain English. It reads, in fact, as follows:

The well-wishing adventurer, in setting forth,
wishes all happiness and that eternity promised by our ever-living poet,
to the only begetter of these ensuing sonnets, Mr. W.H.

Clearly, whoever wrote the Sonnets had just left England, their publication remaining in the hands of Thomas Thorpe, who expressed the author's wishes in the dedication but did not have access to him when publishing the manuscript, thus explaining the typographical errors and missing lines. That the author left England in 1609 rules out Oxford, who died in 1604, and militates against Shakespeare, who is not known to have ever left England, and retired to Stratford between 1611 and 1613. Neither is there any evidence whatsoever that any of the other candidates, including Bacon and the Countess of Pembroke, left England at this time; Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower of London until 1616. This also gives the lie to the widely held belief that the Sonnets were pirated by Thorpe and that the author was averse to their publication. 400 years and these geniuses couldn't figure this out?

+ January 10, 2017: Doing research on Indian incense, of all things, I noticed that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, purportedly an incarnation of Krishna, was born in Bengal on February 18, 1486, the year before the appearance of Typhon in 1487. He has been added to the yellow table in Chapter Eight.

+ March 22, 2017: Part of Chapter Twenty has been posted. It is becoming more and more obvious, though Marlowe may very well have been the cometary avatar of 1593, that the plays and sonnets of "William Shakespeare" were written by Samuel Daniel.

+ April 1, 2017: The evidence continues to mount. It turns out that Samuel Daniel was in Italy in 1590 and 1591, six years before the publication of the first quarto of Romeo and Juliet and a shorter period before the play began to be enacted. His name actually appears in an autograph book owned by an Austrian law student who crossed the Alps with Daniel, the entry dated June 30, 1591, at Augusta, sandwiched between entries for Padua, west of Venice and east of Verona. I am working on a comparison of the sonnets of Daniel dedicated to Mary Sidney Herbert and those of "Shakespeare" dedicated to her son, William Herbert. I am also constructing a side-by-side chronology of the works of both men in the hopes of determining the actual production rate of the various works. It looks like Daniel generally wrote scholarly works and works for private distribution under his own name and works for the public stage under the pseudonym William Shakespeare. The latter will contain an enumeration of the persons to whom the various works were dedicated to the extent that they can be obtained.

+ April 26, 2017: It turns out that the spelling "Shake-speare," with a hyphen, associated by many with the goddess Athena, suggests, not a personal emblem as thought by some, but a reference to the ancient city of Athens, a university town and cultural center. The term "English Athens" or "Oxfordian Athens" was current at the end of the 16th century and referred to Oxford University, suggesting that the true author attended Oxford. It should be noted that neither Christopher Marlowe, nor Francis Bacon, nor Mary Sidney, nor even the earl of Oxford attended Oxford University. The earl, in fact, attended Cambridge. Mary Sidney's brothers and sons attended Oxford for various periods of time, as did Samuel Daniel, suggesting the proper milieu for study of the Authorship Question.

+ June 3, 2017: I have added a composite picture of Samuel Daniel and William Shakespeare to Chapter Twenty. It immediately becomes clear why the head of Shakespeare in the Droeshout engraving appears to be overly large. This is not the result of Shakespeare's giant brain. It occurred when the engraver substituted Shakespeare's head for that of Samuel Daniel, Daniel having a beard and Shakespeare not. The engraver failed to compensate for the beard and aligned the bottom of Shakespeare's chin with the bottom of Daniel's beard and the top of Shakespeare's head with the top of Daniel's head, thus making Shakespeare's head appear overly large.

+ December 25, 2017: I have normalized the final table in Chapter Twelve, assuming an average reign of 20 years. This places the gap in the timeline between Adam and Seth, thus bringing Chapter Eight into alignment with Chapter Twelve. It is clear that Adam is simply the "First Man," adi being the Sanskrit word for "first," as in "first among many."

+ January 2, 2018: I have posted Appendix E, a side by side comparison of sonnets 33–40 from Daniel's Delia with verses 1–18 of "Shakespeare's" Sonnets.

+ February 12, 2018: I have posted Appendix G, a representation of the ancient even-week year. This would have been in use during Tilak's Age of Orion.

+ December 31, 2018: Some additions have been made to the chronological table in Chapter Eight, including Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at AD 1487 and Dulduityn Danzanravjaa at AD 1803, as well as an asteroid impact in western Greenland and the end of the Clovis Culture in New Mexico at 10745 BC. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the main deity of Iskcon, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the so-called Hare Krishnas. Dulduityn Danzanravjaa was the 5th Noyon Khutagt of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia.

+ January 11, 2019: I believe I have found an alignment of the Hyksos kings (previously aligned with the Six Spirits that preceded the Shang Dynasty in China) with six Indian kings that ruled toward the very end of the Late Harappa Culture and closely preceded Nami Nath, the 21st Jain Tirthankara, and the beginning of the Post-Harappa Cultures, the latter two events being synchronous with a return of the comet of Typhon. It would appear that these six "Asiatic" kings extended their influence far beyond Egypt to much of civilized Asia. Exactly who these folks were remains a mystery, though they may be connected in some way with the Phoenicians.

+ September 6, 2019: I have added a short section on the presence of the Hyksos (read Phoenicians) in India and China to Chapter Thirteen.

+ June 4, 2020: I have made some minor changes to the dates of the onset of the Younger Dryas and the beginning of the Holocene epoch in Chapter Eight to bring them into alignment with currently accepted dating. These changes tend to clarify the appearance of carbon datable samples and the King Clone creosote ring.

+ November 16, 2020: I have realigned the beginning of the Mature Period of the Harappa Culture in Appendix D, and thus the period during which the Indus Valley Script was in use, with the reign of Sénajíta. Thus, this period would now appear to run from the reign of Sénajíta, circa 2600 BC, to the reign of Ramachandra, circa 1900 BC, including that of Sargon and his son. This places all of the kings mentioned in the Ramayana as well as earlier kings during the Mature Harappa Period. Whether this will help in the decipherment of the script is currently unknown. The identification of the Harappans with the Sumerians is from Malati J. Shendge.

+ December 14, 2020: I have added Hazarmaveth ("Saraswati") to the map of the Akkadian Empire in Chapter Eleven. It's exact position is at present unknown except that it must have been on the banks of the Saraswati River.

+ January 26, 2021: I have altered slightly the date of the Mahabharata War in Appendix D and elsewhere to 3011 BC in line with the dates formerly extracted for the rise of Zeus to the kingship of Crete and Egypt. This places the war at Kurukshetra at the appearance of Yudhishthira in the king list of India.

+ January 13, 2025: I have brought forward slightly the date for the founding of Gobekli Tepe in Chapter Eight in agreement with current estimates.



My uncle Harry A Franklin's wedding picnic, Fairmount Park, 1917 Grave of Yeshayah ben Avraham Halevi Hurwitz, ancestor of Shmuel Halevi Hurwitz of Vievis
Samuel, Rebecca, Nathan, and my father Harry Franklin, Philadelphia, late 1920s Lilly Davidow's farm in Vineland, New Jersey
My father Harry Franklin and Bella Weiss, sometime after 1917 Tombstone of my great-grandmother Fannie Frankel (Feige Frenkel), 1926?
Rose Franklin and some of the orphan children at the Daughters of Hannah Orphanage and Day Nursery in Baltimore, 1928―please scroll down slightly Photos of various members of the Bloom family and other Geffen descendants at Marjorie Goldberg's site―this is a slow loader with a 56K modem
More photos of the Daughters of Hannah "The Farm," Yaazor, Johnnycake Road, Baltimore County, 1920s
Photographs taken by my uncle Harry A Franklin at Guantanamo Bay and Caimanera in Cuba before the U.S. entered World War I. These photographs are being featured in the traveling exhibit of the Guantanamo Public Memory Project organized by Columbia University My uncle Harry A Franklin, "Swimming Hole" (Rodbell's term), Patapsco River, Yaazor, Baltimore County, 1920s. This photograph taken by my uncle, as well as the previous one, appeared in an article on Yaazor in the Baltimore Jewish Times of June 29, 2007
More photographs by Harry A Franklin in Maryland and elsewhere  


Outside Links: 

Modern, Minimalist, and Asian Design Sites

William McDonough + Partners―The Thomas Jefferson of sustainable design―"Softypapa's" Shinto oriented Japanese craft site―includes an excellent selection of small Japanese tea cups
Moco Loco―A sharp eye on modern and contemporary design J-Life International—Japanese bedding including buckwheat pillows and much more
Apartment Therapy―Focused on apartment decor and renovation but applicable to any domestic design challenge JPstatus—American made Japanese style shikibuton foldable cotton mattresses.
Cherry Tree Design―American made Japanese style shoji screens and doors. Sadly, Cherry Tree appears to have stopped manufacturing lamps  
Tatami Room―a wide variety of Japanese decor items, including tatami mats and numerous shoji screens Local Baltimore-Washington Resources:
Haiku Designs―Chinese made Japanese style furniture and lighting  
Oriental Furniture―a good selection of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese furniture―unfortunately, light on wood identification Carling Nichols—18th & 19th century Chinese antiques at 1655 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Wash., DC―an unusual selection of eco-friendly imported Asian furniture Ginza―modern Japanese items at 1721 Connecticut Ave., NW, Wash., DC
Neko-Chan Trading Co.―hand-carved wooden and bronze statues, incense and burners, and Japanese stoneware East and Beyond―Japanese, Chinese, and Korean antiques at 6727 Curran St., McLean, Virginia
Greentea Design―Japanese and other Asian modern and antique furniture Joan Eve Classics & Collectibles—A small general interest shop at 8018 Main Street, Ellicott City, with a number of Japanese and Chinese items. Joan Eve is currently closed due to the Ellicott City flood Joan Eve is back in business at 8069C
Shoji Décor―paper lanterns in a wide variety of shapes and colors plus illustrated shoji blinds Rosewood City—Chinese rosewood furniture in Elkridge, MD
Now and Zen―home of the hardwood Zen Alarm Clock Pearl Gallery—Chinese antiques on The Avenue in Hampden at 826 West 36th St., Baltimore
Stone Forest—Japanese and modern garden features and much more  



Site Links:

My current configuration Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors on the Internet
Epimedium resources on the web The Hill "Star Map" of New Hampshire and Vermont, along with a comparison of the map with a contemporary map of the area. Note: The sequence of routes 4, 14, 2, and 7 is now paralleled by Interstate 89


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